
COVID-19 Response

Hellier is committed to serving our customers diligently while protecting our employees and associates as we perform essential work for our communities. We have implemented our pandemic plan in response to the COVID-19 virus impact to ensure that all our facilities and employees are working with our established controls and reporting any concerns to our COVID task force.

To ensure we are providing the best service, our facilities remain open. We have implemented guidelines across our operations to mitigate business and operational disruptions while enhancing the safety for our employees and students.

Our team has developed and distributed internal processes and guidance for employees to immediately report cases of exposure or potential exposure to COVID-19, this allows us to reduce further exposure to those employees and any other employees they have worked closely with. COVID-19 virus Hellier has taken steps to track and monitor employees with direct and indirect exposure that actively helps us guarantee there are no situations that our management and leadership are unaware of.

We are continuing to update our COVID-19 response plans in line with government authorities and local communities and have taken direct action to adapt our emergency response plans to deal effectively with the pandemic.

Our facilities have all been assessed with our internal COVID hazard assessment, where controls such as social distancing and donning a facial covering are in place across our operations to limit person to person interaction and exposure. Additionally, we have implemented remote work, staggered work schedules, employee health screenings, return to work procedures, travel restrictions and other proactive controls to ensure our employees’ health is our primary concern.

Work the right way, the safe way

Hellier has the appropriate plans in place to continue serving our customers effectively. All facilities are operating and here for you as we support some of our most essential industries.

We have communicated our Pandemic Policy to all employees to help ensure all personnel fulfill their duties wherever possible and all stakeholders remain safe.